Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ 32 hydraulic oil not only has excellent lubrication behaviour, but also has the potential to save energy and increase productivity by reducing oil preheating times. In our practical example at a customer in the plastics processing industry, switching to the high-performance oil reduced the energy consumption of Engel injection moulding machines and increased productivity. A reduction in coolant consumption was also realised. Find out more insights here and calculate your own savings potential with our energy savings calculator!

5 %

Energy savings during operations

3,100 € / machine / year

Lower energy costs

30 %

Energy savings during start-up

33 %

Shorter preheating time

Up to 80 %

Lower coolant consumption

5 months


6.1 tpa

Less CO2-eq / machine

Customer testimonial injection moulding

This customer testimonial is based on the experience of a single customer on an Engel Victory 330/260 tech injection moulding machine. The actual results achieved may depend on the type of machine used and its maintenance, operating and environmental conditions and the lubricant previously used.

Initial situation

In a plastics processing company, plastic components are manufactured on 107 injection moulding machines with locking devices from 150 kN to 16,000 kN. The company mainly uses Mobil DTE™ 25 Ultra (HLP 46) hydraulic oil. As part of the company's energy management goals, it is looking for ways to optimise production in terms of energy consumption and emissions.



Our lubricant expert has recommended the use of Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ 32, a high-performance hydraulic oil of viscosity class ISO VG 32. The optimum viscosity-temperature behaviour and the chemical structure of Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ 32 allow the viscosity class to be lowered from ISO VG 46 to ISO VG 32. Compliance with the pump manufacturer's requirements has of course been tested and confirmed. The lowering of the viscosity class favours start-up behaviour in the low temperature range while at the same time significantly reducing the energy and time required to preheat the oil.

The balanced formulation of Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ 32 also reduces power loss in the hydraulics and promises excellent system cleanliness thanks to ultra-keep-clean performance.


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Field trial

During a 14-day field test on an Engel Victory 330/260 tech injection moulding machine, measurements were carried out under comparable conditions with Mobil DTE™ 25 Ultra and Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ 32.

In summary, the entire manufacturing process is optimised both economically and ecologically by switching to Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ 32. The effective saving of resources reduces energy consumption and thus CO2 emissions, thereby supporting the company's sustainability goals, while also reducing operating costs and increasing productivity across the entire manufacturing process.

Energy savings during operation

In the test of Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ 32 versus Mobil DTE™ 25 Ultra, a demonstrable saving of 5% in electrical power consumption was measured. The acquisition costs of switching to Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ 32 are amortised after just 5 months due to the lower energy consumption. Over an observation period of 5 years, this results in a total saving of 70,500 kWh of electricity and an associated reduction in CO2 emissions of 30.6 tonnes.

When starting up

In addition, the machine can now be started up at an oil temperature of 27 °C. This reduces the preheating time. This reduces the preheating time by 33% from 15 to 10 minutes, reducing the energy requirement for oil preheating by 1.8 kW/h. Furthermore, production productivity is significantly increased thanks to the shorter preheating time, as more parts can be produced in the same production time.

Optimisation of coolant consumption

There is a further optimisation option for coolant consumption. By separating the start-up and operating temperatures, cooling water consumption can be reduced by up to 80 % to a minimum. In the field test on the test machine, this measure even led to an almost complete saving of coolant over the test period.

Notes on oil temperature control:

  • Engel: The start-up and operating temperature can be set on Engel injection moulding machines via the "Office" menu under oil temperature control. Here, the oil preheating temperature is set to 27 °C, while the limit temperature above which cooling is required is increased to 45 °C.
  • KraussMaffei: The adjustment of the temperature setting is explicitly enabled for the use of Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ 32 in accordance with the machine manual. For this purpose, the start of the automatic cycle is lowered from 32 °C to 25 °C using a software update. In production mode, the cooling start temperature is then raised to 40 °C using the standard function in the control system. The new temperature value is then permanently stored in the machine settings.

Further benefits

With regard to the system and material efficiency of the system, there is further potential for savings thanks to the expected lifetime lubrication of up to 100,000 operating hours and the associated reduction in the amount of oil, as well as the excellent filterability and system cleanliness when using the Mobil DTE 10 Excel™ 32

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