Benefits for General Manufacturing
At a Glance
Increase system availability and resource efficiency: our innovative lubrication concepts ensure maximum productivity - sustainable and environmentally friendly. Take advantage of our expertise and Mobil™ high-performance lubricants.
Plant availability and resource efficiency are the central factors that define ROI and success - regardless whether you produce simple fasteners or complex gearboxes. With our decades of expertise in lubricants and our comprehensive service programme, we can uncover potential savings and optimise your production processes. We focus on sustainable, tailor-made lubrication concepts, which our application engineers will individually adapt to your systems.
The high-performance Mobil ™ industrial lubricants such as hydraulic, gear and compressor oils as well as greases allow you to extend oil change intervals and increase the availability and service life of your machines. This reduces your maintenance and repair costs as well as your material and disposal costs. As a result, plant productivity and occupational safety increase thanks to fewer interventions. At the same time, Mobil™ lubricants offer the potential to improve energy efficiency and can therefore also significantly reduce your energy requirements and rising energy costs. Our sustainable lubrication concepts also help to achieve company energy management goals, such as certification according to DIN EN ISO 50001. Naturally, Mobil™ oils and greases meet the specifications of the leading machine and plant manufacturers.
Our extensive range of services extends from oil analysis and questions of energy efficiency, to minimising the variety of products needed, right through to private label filling. These are only some of our many Fluid Management services.
Take advantage of our expertise to achieve maximum productivity for your plant and accomplish your company's profitability and sustainability goals.
At a Glance
Here you will find an overview of our high-performance products for general manufacturing. Our application engineers will be happy to help you select the right products for your application.
As part of our HWU Lubtec Fluid Management services, we provide tailor-made lubrication services in order to optimise the availability and service life of your plant, thus increasing productivity while conserving resources.